



润天科技(香港)有限公司立足于广告喷绘行业, 是一家专业从事喷绘机,UV平板打印机零配件生产、销售及服务为一体的高科技企业。公司一直以来拥有雄厚的技术实力,丰富的技术团队,坚持以质优取信于客户,以服务竞争于对手;今天不创新,明天就落后,后天就淘汰为经营理念;以用户满意是产品质量的标准,创新进步是企业发展的永恒动力为宗旨,努力打造成全球专业的广告配件与设备销售商.

公司主营喷绘机、UV平板打印机、写真机、刻字机、雕刻机等广告设备配件、墨水及材料等,配件包括各种喷头、墨泵、过滤器、墨管、电磁阀、电机、板卡等各种相关配件,公司产品主要销往全国各地以及东南亚、中东、欧美等国家。长期以来公司以客户至上、服务为原则积累了大批新老客户 得到众多客户的信赖与认可,我们将以更稳定的质量,更优质的服务服务于广大新老客户,欢迎各新老客户来涵来电咨询洽谈。

RunTian Technology (HK) Co.,Ltd based in advertising printing industry. We are specializing in Digital ink jet printers, UV flat-panel printers and spare parts productions, sales and service as one of the high-tech enterprises. Having a professional and strong technical team, always insist on high quality, best price and good service from competitors; Without innovation today, tomorrow will be backward, the day after tomorrow will be eliminated as the concept. Customers satisfaction is the unique production standard. Innovation and progress is the eternal driving force as the purpose. Will create a global, professional supplier for advertising spare parts and equipments.

The main product is Digital ink jet printers, UV flat-panel printers, Portrait machine, Lettering machine, engraving machine, advertising equipment accessories、ink and materials etc. Spare parts including all kinds of print[[[[head]]]]s, ink pumps, filters, Ink Tubes, solenoid valves, motors, printer boards and all kinds of other related accessories. Our main market is mainland, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe and Amercia etc. We always provide high quality, best price, good service and win the trust of customers, also build a good and long term business with them. We will always improve our quality and meet all of the customers requests forever. Welcome the old and new customers to contact with us.



  • 主营: 深圳喷绘写真机配件批发,深圳耗材供应,深圳喷头墨水销售
  • 地址: 龙华民治大道牛栏前大厦A1109
  • 联系: 刘红梅
  • 手机: 13692264729
  • 电话: 0755-23127600
  • 传真: 0755-23127601
  • 邮箱: runtianhm@gmail.com
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